Scale Veroval Hartmann


Intelligent personal weight scale for optimal weight and body analysis

Detachable display with remote connection and hinged stand
Measures and analyses: - weight
                                            - BMI
                                            - body fat percentage
                                            - muscle percentage
                                            - bone mass
                                            - water percentage

Automatically determines your calorie needs and ideal weight.
User memory for 4 people
Data can be shared between all Veroval® devices, such the blood pressure monitors and activity tracker
Cable USB inclus.
Data can be easily saved using the Veroval® medi.connect software.

With the medi.connect Veroval software, patients can synchronize and analyze their measurements.


The free Veroval® medi.connect software for downloading on to
your computer
You can transfer your data quickly and easily to your PC using the supplied USB cable
Automatically obtain perfectly prepared graphs of your values.
Select different analysis periods : day, week, month.
At the same time, the software helps you to correctly assess the readings and to compare the data from
different devices. In just a few clicks all results can be printed out for the doctor or sent by e-mail.
